Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Last Post

This is my last real post so I am going to talk about what I did during this rotation. My favorite tools were wordle and google docs. I liked wordle because I could see what words or word I over used in my writing or use it just for fun. I liked google docs because I could see my documents from anywhere that I had an internet conection. I think I will use both wordle and google docs in the future because they were both really easy and helpful tools as I said above. I liked the tutorial and I think that the only thing about it that should change is that everyone should learn about googledocs earlier because it might help them with something school related.

Another wordle

I made this wordle by taking my blog address and putting it in a wordle. This wordle shows all or most of the words I wrote on my blog.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Booktalk

This is my Booktalk on the book Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I made this on

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Shelfari Shelf

I went to
to make a shelf that would
remind me what books I had
read and what books I want to
read. Shelfari was fun and easy so
it only took a little while to set up
an account. I highly reccomend Shelfari
to everyone that reads a lot.